Businesses in our region pay too much for too little when it comes to Internet service. That’s why the Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to empowering its members to have and make a choice with Internet services in 2023.
The Chamber’s new partnership with nonprofit broadband provider OpenCape is an exciting initiative created to expand Internet service availability for businesses and residents in the Chamber’s Main Street areas.
Both the Chamber and OpenCape know that small business drives our economy. Building infrastructure to help small businesses thrive, OpenCape’s 100% fiber optic network provides robust, reliable and affordable, with unmatched upload and download speeds, far exceeding FCC recommended minimum requirements.
Main Street in Falmouth and Woods Hole are examples of that success. Businesses there are no longer affected by our many coastal storms or lack of bandwidth during the busy tourist season, they are always up and running! As an added bonus, OpenCape was able to decrease monthly internet service rates for its Main Street customers in Falmouth by 32%.
“We look forward to our partnership with OpenCape that helps provide fiber optic services to businesses in this region. Our goal is to inform as many businesses as possible that they can increase their Internet capabilities and have access to affordable broadband services. OpenCape has a reliable and stellar reputation for initiating community-led programs connecting people all over the region,” said Marie Oliva, President & CEO, Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber.
"As a Buzzards Bay resident, I appreciate the vision that Marie brings to the business community with the Canal Region Chamber. It is no secret that choice, reliability and outstanding, localized customer service with Broadband competition is one of the leading issues among local business owners. I look forward to helping each business thrive with this collaboration with Marie and the Canal Region Chamber of Commerce." said Kevin Tremblay, Business Development, OpenCape.
OpenCape’s mission is to serve the community and help the economy grow. To learn more, visit opencape.org or contact Kevin at 508-362-2224 or kevin@opencape.org to set up a meeting to discuss your needs.